臺灣,進入華人社會和亞洲的宣教跳板 Launching into the Chinese-speaking World & Asia
Many people refer to Taiwan as “The Aircraft Carrier for Missions”. An aircraft carrier is a floating base on the ocean on which aircrafts can land, refuel, and continue on their missions. Over the last 50 years, Taiwan has played the role of supporting Christianity’s development in Asia. Because of its religious and political freedom and economic development, the Taiwanese church has become the older brother to churches in China and Southeast Asia, providing direction, training, and growth to developing churches. Much of modern theology is still developed mostly in the West, but Taiwan has served as a stepping stone, bridging the gap between the East and the West and bringing Christian development here. When Christian teaching entered Taiwan, it was exported to other Asian nations within an Asian cultural context. Many of the Bible teachers in China and Southeast Asia today are from Taiwan. Taiwan truly is the “aircraft carrier for missions” for Asia.
我們相信神 呼召臺灣加入世界宣教的行列,臺灣青年使命團持續地敞開大門,邀請全世界所有對華人社會與亞洲有負擔的YWAMers(青年使命團團員們),來到臺灣接受拓荒宣教培訓,進而差派他們到前線工場。臺灣的基督徒人口數只有5%,如同第一線宣教工場的環境,讓學員們可以將課堂上的理論學以致用;又因臺灣人熱情友善,使得學員們能夠融入社會環境,讓事奉裝備更有果效。此外,臺灣青年使命團也有一群經驗豐富的牧關團隊,隨時提供宣教士在禾場上需要的關顧與支持。
YWAM Taiwan extends the call to all YWAMers with a heart for the Chinese-speaking world and Asia to come to Taiwan, be trained for frontier missions, and then be commissioned. Taiwan has a unique advantage to equip you for long-term missions. As a nation that is only about 5% Christian, Taiwan offers a setting that enables you to immediately apply what you’ve learned to the local mission field. In addition, because the Taiwanese people are so friendly and welcoming, social barriers in evangelism are significantly lower. Moreover, YWAM Taiwan is supported by a pastoral team that is committed to caring for the needs of their missionaries on the field both locally and abroad. Thus, YWAM Taiwan’s unique learning environment makes training for missions particularly effective.
Taiwan is a stepping stone for missions into the Chinese-speaking world and Asia. YWAM Taiwan is waiting for you to come, be trained, and then get launched into your calling, well-equipped and well-supported. Let Taiwan be the “aircraft carrier” for your mission.
臺灣 - 宣教的航空母艦 Taiwan’s Advantages - The “Aircraft Carrier for Missions”
Strategic Location: Taiwan is located at the forefront of the 10/40 window. It is easy to access the major cities of East Asia and Southeast Asia from Taipei.
Religious Freedom: Without the restrictions of religious persecution, Taiwan is a great frontline location to get familiar with Asia before entering more challenging locations.
Kindness of the People: The people in Taiwan are very hospitable, kind, and mostly English- friendly, which makes it easier for foreigners to settle in, adapt, and share the gospel.
Chinese Language and Culture: For those who have a heart for the Chinese-speaking world, the religious and political freedom in Taiwan helps facilitate learning the language and culture as well as Christian terminology in Chinese.