“To actually do what Jesus says in Matthew chapter 28 has been the greatest gift that DTS Taiwan has to offer.”
What is DTS About?
Who is it for?
The Discipleship Training School is for but not limited to young people who want to respond to the Great Commission “Go, and make disciple of all nations!” You will need a passion for missions and the nations. It also serves the needs of those already interested in long-term missions, giving them an opportunity to explore their calling in a short-term setting.
DTS is YWAM’s entry-level training course for missions, established on the belief that “Knowing God” and “Making Him Known” go hand-in-hand. The goal is for individuals to learn how to live a lifestyle of missions, growing in their relationship with Jesus as they serve others in a cross-cultural context. Through the course, you get to practically live out the Great Commission.
The three-month lecture phase consists of lectures that help students learn biblical principles of who God is and grow in relationship with Him as well as ministry opportunities such as evangelism to help students apply what they have learned in class. The two-month outreach that follows will take place in Taiwan or other nations to live out all you’ve learned during the lecture and be a blessing to the nations.