使我能夠 Empowered to Act
(臺灣同工的見證Elvis的見證 Testimony of Elvis, Taiwanese Staff at YWAM Taipei)
在2014年的開始,Elvis 經歷了生命中的低潮。他失去了工作、失去了女朋友,同時也失去了生命的意義。他完全迷失了自己。直到有一天,他遇見了Rich。Rich跟其他人不太一樣,他總是很善良,待人充滿了慈愛及恩典。因此,當Rich跟他分享耶穌時,他經歷了一種強烈、且無法否認的愛。那是一種無條件的愛,也是一種他從來沒有經歷過的愛。當下,他決定邀請耶穌進到他的心中。
Early 2014, Elvis hit rock bottom. He lost his job, his girlfriend, and also started to feel like he was losing his identity and sense of purpose. One day, he met a man named Rich, and he noticed there was something different about him - he was full of kindness, mercy, and grace. When Rich shared the gospel with him, Elvis encountered a love he had never experienced before. It was unconditional love, and it was undeniably compelling. That day, Elvis invited Jesus into his heart.
在教會朋友們的鼓勵下,Elvis 決定參加門徒訓練課程。在過程中,神透過馬可福音16:15對他說話:「你們往普天下去,傳福音給萬民聽。」他明白基督徒的生命不僅只是認識神,神同時也呼召我們去傳揚神。因此,在門徒訓練課程後,他又參與了聖經研讀課程。在課堂中,他不只在聖經知識上更多的認識神,神也加添他的信心。透過研讀聖經,Elvis 終於瞭解到神掌管他生命的一切,並且他可以確信自己是神的兒女。在聖經研讀課程的短宣「提多事工」中,Elvis 在中國哈爾濱見證了聖經如何改變人的生命。當 Elvis 和同工在帶領查經班時,他了解到聖經能夠幫助人將信仰回歸聖經的真理,使人願意降服自身的文化及社會壓力,並且將信心建立在神身上。
After some encouragement from friends at church, Elvis decided to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS). In DTS, he was greatly impacted by Mark 16:15, where Jesus says, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”. From this, he learned that it was not enough just to know God- he was also called to make Him known. After DTS, Elvis enrolled in the School of Biblical Studies (SBS) to grow in the knowledge of God’s Word. But he did not just grow in knowledge, he also grew in faith. Through the study of the Word, Elvis was finally able to believe that God was in control of his life and that he could live in confidence knowing that he was a son of God. After finishing SBS, Elvis participated in Titus Project, a program designed for SBS graduates to bring biblical training to places most in need of it. During his Titus Project, Elvis witnessed the Bible transform the lives of people in Northeast Asia. As he and his team facilitated Bible studies for Chinese believers, Elvis watched as they aligned their beliefs to biblical truths, surrendered various cultural and social pressures, and put their trust in the Lord.
Elvis 已經在青年使命團服事了六年,他委身於訓練年輕人進入宣教工場。從門徒訓練課程的學生,成長為帶領好幾屆門徒訓練課程的負責人,他更多了解什麼是宣教。Elvis 與神的故事,始於一位宣教士的福音行動。如今,Elvis 在青年使命團的陪伴及訓練下,成為一位受裝備的宣教士,並且持續鼓勵及裝備更多人加入宣教的行列。
Elvis is now going on six years with YWAM, where he is committed to training young people to go into missions. From being a student in DTS to leading DTS, he has since grown in his understanding of missions. Elvis first encountered God because a missionary shared the gospel with him. Now with the support of YWAM, he is empowered and equipped to do the same for others.